Channel: Lola Perkins – Addict Law
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5 Key Points to Understand about Copyright Law and Music


Copyright law is complex, and there are many facets that you need to be familiar with to protect your music and your rights.

Did you know you are legally allowed to record and publish music as long as you pay a royalty fee? Or that you have copyright protection for a song for 70 years after it’s recorded? These two little-known facts can be very helpful regarding music licensing and copyright issues.

We live in a world where copyright infringement has become a big problem. And while it used to be a very small problem, it is now a huge problem for the music industry. And yet, plenty of people still don’t even know copyright.

So we will give you five key points about copyright law that will help you understand the ins and outs of music publishing and copyright laws.

If you have an ear for music, you probably know that copyright law is how musicians get paid for their work. But in this article, we want to look at some aspects of copyright law to understand better what it is all about.

Copyright Law and Music

How to Exercise Your Rights as a Music Copyright Holder

As a copyright holder, you should know your rights and how to exercise them. You can find a list of them here.

Copyright law states that you own the copyright to any song you record, even if you didn’t write the music. You can make copies of the recording and distribute it to others.

The copyright also gives you a certain period to exercise your rights. This is known as your “copyright term.”

Most recordings last around 70 years after they are created. The copyright term ends when the song is no longer played, broadcasted, or sold.

The copyright term for music also depends on the type of recording.

You can register your work with the United States Copyright Office for a nominal fee. Once registered, you can renew the copyright every 50 years and continue the copyright every 20 years if the work was written before January 1, 1978.

However, registration is not required for the first 20 years after creation.

Once the copyright term ends, you can legally publish any recorded music. To post your music, you must apply for a license to use your music. You can do this through a music licensing agent such as ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC.

To apply for a music license, you must prove that you hold the copyright to your music. This includes a copy of your record label contract, a copy of the sheet music, or a CD with your songs on it. If you cannot provide proof of your copyright, you must pay a royalty fee to the copyright holder.

The Importance of Copyright Law in Music

Copyright law is a big deal when it comes to music. And the most common misconception is that if you have a recording of a song and you give it away for free, you are not paying any royalties. This is not true.

The law states you must pay a royalty fee to record and distribute a song. And the good news is that the law does allow for a public performance. In this case, the general performance would include a live recording. So, if you record a song, you must pay a royalty fee. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t distribute the recording for free.

Steps Involved in Copyrighting Music

Music is a unique intellectual property; therefore, it has its own rules and laws. Copyright is a legal right that protects authors, artists, filmmakers, and other creators.

Copyright protects the recording, performance, and distribution rights for a certain period. A song is covered for a minimum of 70 years after its creation. For most types of music, you need to register a copyright to be able to make and sell copies of it legally.

This is because copyright is a form of intellectual property that cannot be sold. It is only given away for free. To register a copyright, you need to fill out a form on the U.S. Copyright Office website, and you’ll need to pay a registration fee.

Once you’ve registered your copyright, you are entitled to several exclusive rights.

These include:

  1. Right to reproduce
  2. Right to distribute
  3. Right to perform
  4. Right to make copies
  5. Right to create derivative works

The process of registering a copyright can be complicated and time-consuming. However, the process is easy and quick for a professional or an organization. If you plan on making money from your music, you must hire a lawyer and a publisher.

You can skip the whole process if you plan to give away your free music.

Factors to Consider When Applying for Music Copyright

We’re going to look at the following factors when applying for music copyright:

The basic rules of copyright

What you need to consider before applying for a license

When should you apply for a license

How to apply for a license

What happens if you fail to apply for a license?

Frequently Asked Questions Copyright Law

Q: How does a copyright owner protect her works?

A: Copyright owners can register their work with the U.S. Copyright Office and the Library of Congress. This registration proves that the work was copyrighted, which is necessary to verify that the copyright owner has a legal right to the job.

Q: What are the key points to understand about copyright law?

A: The three most important things you should know are ownership, licensing, and performing rights. You can copyright an original work you create, but you must first license the rights to use your work. If you use the same music in a song or video, you need to get a license from the music publisher or record label to use it.

Top Myths About Copyright Law

  1. Copyright law is designed to protect the public interest.
  2. Copyright law is not designed to protect music.
  3. The purpose of copyright law is to promote creativity and innovation.


Music is a powerful medium, but it’s also a volatile one. Like any industry, there are people out there who try to take advantage of others. And unfortunately, sometimes it ends up being someone with little understanding of copyright laws. Copyright law is complex and can be intimidating to navigate. But once you know the basics, it’s a great way to protect yourself from having your music stolen.

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