Channel: Lola Perkins – Addict Law
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Canadians Have the Right to Divorce their Partners


Yes, we are discussing divorce or the right to be separated from your partner. If you have filed for divorce in Canada and are wondering whether or not you can go back to being married after it is done, here is the answer. Yes, you can get divorced again and re-marry after being separated for some time. They don’t want to talk about it, and they don’t want to think about getting divorced.

Canadians have the right to get divorced. That’s not just my opinion; it’s a law. Multiple laws protect Canadians from being forced into marriages they don’t want. There are many reasons why Canadians don’t divorce their partners.

Some people think it’s because they don’t want to ruin their lives. Others think it’s because they’re afraid of the unknown. Still, others believe it’s because they love their partner and don’t want to hurt them. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to understand that if you are Canadian and your partner is cheating on you, you have the legal right to get a divorce.

Divorce their Partners

When can you obtain a divorce?

Canadian law allows you to obtain a divorce if:

* Your partner is physically abusive.

* You’ve been separated for more than two years.

* You’ve been living apart for more than one year.

* You’re the primary caregiver of your children.

* You have a life-threatening illness.

* You’ve been married less than five years.

* You’re legally blind.

* You’ve been married for less than three years.

* You’re an Aboriginal person.

If you’re a Canadian, there’s no need to feel ashamed of getting divorced. As long as you meet the criteria above, it is legal and completely fair.

What are the grounds for divorce in Canada?

While many people in the United States have trouble getting divorced, in Canada, you can get divorced just about anytime you want. Several factors determine if you can get divorced, but you can most of the time.

Here are the grounds for divorce in Canada:

• The parties were married for less than three years

• One of the parties is a convicted criminal

• One of the parties has a mental disability

• One of the parties is under the age of 18

• One of the parties is incapable of consenting due to mental illness

• One of the parties is incapable of consenting due to intoxication

• One of the parties is suffering from severe and uncontrollable abuse

• The marriage has become insupportable because of serious discord or conflict of personalities

• The parties are separated but not living apart

• The parties have lived together for less than six months

• Either party was previously married to someone else

• Either party is not a citizen of Canada

• One of the parties is pregnant

• One of the parties is unable to support themselves

• One of the parties has been sentenced to a term of imprisonment

• One of the parties is subject to an order of protection

• One of the parties is a fugitive

• One of the parties is a member of a recognized aboriginal band

• The parties have entered into a valid pre-nuptial or post-nuptial agreement

If you’ve met all of these requirements, then you can probably get a divorce.

When can you file for divorce in Canada?

While it is common to hear of Canadians getting divorced, you might be surprised to learn that only a small percentage do. That’s why it’s important to know when you can file for divorce in Canada.

Canada has a couple of different rules when it comes to divorce, but most people can file for a divorce within a few months after separating. When you and your spouse get divorced, you can’t divorce your partner until you have lived apart for at least three years.

What happens to your assets if you get divorced?

You need to know what happens to your assets when you get divorced. Let’s say you own a home worth $500,000 and get divorced after seven years of marriage. Your assets could be anything from your house to your car to your pension.

Home would automatically become a marital asset, and you’d have to split that house 50/50. If your ex-spouse were earning $40,000 a year, then they would only be able to afford half of the home if you’re wondering how to protect yourself from this type of situation. It wouldn’t be a fair split.

Here are a few tips.

First, consider buying your ex-spouse out of the home. This way, you can keep the house and your marital assets protected.

Second, consider paying for a financial planner to help you split the house equitably. Financial planners can help you figure out what assets are yours, how much each person earns, and what percentages should go to each person.

Third, consider hiring an experienced accountant dealing with financial issues during a divorce.

Frequently Asked Questions Divorce

Q: Why do you think there is a rise in divorce?

A: A lot of people feel they are not happy with their marriage anymore, and so they decide to divorce.

Q: Who makes these agreements?

A: Lawyers or mediators can help you make the right decisions. You want to make sure you are getting the best deal for yourself.

Top 3 Myths About Divorce

1. You don’t have to ask for a divorce in Canada.

2. It’s easy to get divorced in Canada.

3. Canada is the equal society in the world.


Divorce is a common occurrence in Canada. There are many reasons to divorce, including abuse, infidelity, and financial issues. However, Canadians can divorce their partners without proving abuse or adultery. If you’re considering divorce, there are several important things to know. First, you need to see if you can get a divorce in Canada. Second, you need to know if your partner can get a divorce in Canada.

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